Alveolar bone care in Vijayawada is a dental procedure that involves preserving jaw bone near a tooth after tooth extraction. This method involves placing a bone graft into the socket and provides a stable foundation for future dental procedures. This helps maintain the alveolar bone for patients who are interested in replacing a missing tooth in the future.

Tooth extraction is performed to relieve patients from discomfort or infections developed by a crooked or impacted tooth. However, after the extraction, the jaw bone that used to hold the tooth starts shrinking as it no longer supports the tooth. So alveolar bone preservation procedure is done to prevent the bone from shrinking and to replace missing teeth in the future. This preservation helps prevent causing damage to the neighbouring teeth also.


  • The first step is to evaluate and prepare the tooth that requires removal.
  • Alveolar bone care treatment in Vijayawada involves using dental X-rays and an oral examination.
  • Once the preparation and internal oral examination are done, the decayed tooth is removed following the necessary procedure.
  • The tooth is carefully removed without damaging the surrounding tissues and bone.
  • After the tooth removal is done, the dentist thoroughly cleans the surgical area to ensure that no debris or infection occur.
  • 6. Now to begin with the grafting procedure, the top dentist in Vijayawada places the bone graft material into the socket to prevent the bone from shrinking.
  • This material is sourced from the patient's bone or some synthetic material can be used to fill the void.
  • Here a collagen membrane is placed over the graft material to hold the bone graft. Then using suture, the gum tissues are closed over the socket.
  • After the procedure, the patient must pay frequent visits to the dentist to assess the bone for further replacement.
Alveolar Bone Care in Vijayawada


Alveolar bone preservation is beneficial for patients planning to perform any dental implant surgery in the future. The best dental clinic in Vijayawada states the following benefits:

  • This preservation procedure helps maintain the bone volume and height.
  • It preserves the original height and width of the bone.
  • It prevents bone loss and maintains the positions of the surrounding tooth.