Minimally invasive Oral Surgery Vijayawada involve surgery done through small incisions or natural openings using specialized instruments. It is also performed to reduce damage the surrounding tissues. Compared to traditional techniques, minimally invasive procedure is known for less risk and complications to occur. It is also used to reduce multiple stitches to close large incisions.

Best Minimally invasive surgery in Vijayawada procedure is used to treat complex dental issues using instruments to reduce open procedures.

Oral surgical procedures

  • Endoscopic surgery: This technique involves using small cameras to visualize the surgical site through small incisions. In the treatment of advance oral surgery Vijayawada, this technique causes less trauma to the surrounding tissues and less tissue manipulation.
  • Laser surgery: This procedure is used for the treatment of oral lesions. This technique provides excellent control, reduced pain, and improved healing of the surgical area.
  • Computer-aided surgery: This technique is beneficial in treating complex cases of dental implant placement. It enhances accuracy and reduces complications.
Minimally Invasive Oral Surgical Procedures


The benefits of Oral surgical procedures in Vijayawada are as follows:

  • Patients who go through minimally invasive surgical procedures have cuts in the tissues.
  • They experience faster recovery. And less bruising, swelling, and scars.
  • Dental professionals use this technique to improve patient satisfaction and for better treatment outcomes.