What are dental implants?

A dental implant is essentially a metallic structure which is implanted into the jaw bone so as to place the replaced tooth or teeth on top of it. This helps restore the functionality of the teeth. The Dental implants in Vijayawada placed into the jaw bone are exceptionally stable and provide good amount of efficiency for the crowns.

What are the benefits of having a dental implant system ?

Some of the benefits of implants according to the best Dental Implantologist in Vijayawada are:

  • Brings back your cosmetic appearance
  • Restores chewing ability
  • Preserves health of jaw and gums
  • Stabilises nearby teeth
  • Improves overall dental health

Who should consider getting a dental implant done ?

As per Implant centre in Vijayawada, people with one or more complaints mentioned below should consider a dental implant:

  • Missing tooth or teeth
  • Have enough bone and strength in jaw to support implants
  • Oral tissues are healthy
  • Supportive health conditions to aid healing
  • Willing to take implants and their care as top priority
Dental Implants in Vijayawada

As with any medical procedure, there are certain amounts of risk associated with them, even with best dental implants in Vijayawada there are few risks, however with leaps of advance in dentistry, the chances of these happening are astonishingly low. Below are few of the risks listed, such as:

  • Infection at implant sire
  • Damage to nearby teeth during the implantation procedure
  • Damage to nerve causing numbness and tingling sensation
  • Loose fitting of implants or structural instability of implants, this usually happens in a case where the person has certain medical conditions or habits which may hinder the healing and deteriorate the implants.
  • Unable to cater to oral health due to raw implant site
  • Gum disease

Implants are an extremely useful procedure to help replace missing tooth, however it is very essential to understand the time this process takes along with a very realistic expectations of how the body would be after every step of the procedure. Discuss with the best dentist in Vijayawada regarding all the possible cases and crown types for implants.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is a good candidate for Best Dental Implants in Vijayawada?

Any healthy adult who has a good bone and gum structure is considered a good candidate for dental implants as it can fit and heal easily.

How long do dental implants last?

With good care and regular follow ups, a dental implant can last easily upto 15 years. For more details and care instructions, it is necessary to consult dental specialist at Best Dental clinics in Vijayawada for more information.

Are dental implants removable ?

No, dental implants are almost made similar to your natural teeth to ensure you get complete aesthetic and functional requirements fulfilled by them.

Can multiple teeth be implanted together ?

Yes, it is possible to have multiple missing teeth filled with dental implant services in Vijayawada. However a lot of factors come into play while taking this decision and an experienced dental surgeon can help take the right decision with proper evaluation.

How long does the entire process take ?

Usually, the implanting part is done withing 1-2 hours by best Dentist in Vijayawada. Number of sittings required depends from case to case. Entire procedure can be done withing 2 weeks. However it is essential to ensure proper diet and care.