Restorative care in dentistry involves repairing and replacing damaged teeth. This care is practiced by best children dentist in Vijayawada to improve overall oral health and the chewing function of the mouth. Usually, this care is performed by family dentists or through visiting dental care regularly. Restorative dentistry is performed using crowns, bridges, implants, and dentures.

Restorative care is crucial for cases such as tooth decay, deep cavities, damaged teeth, and missing teeth.


Depending on the case and requirements for oral health the restoration procedures differ.

  • Crowns: Dental crowns help repair severe cases of cavities and broken teeth. Here a cap is fixed over the entire crown by shaving a part of the damaged tooth.
  • Fillings: When the tooth enamel is damaged by bacterial infection, it causes a hole and is not considered a serious issue. And so, it can be repaired with dental fillings.
  • Dental implants: These are small threaded post that is used to replace a missing tooth. This method does not involve any alteration to the natural teeth and is considered to be the best option for replacing the missing tooth.
  • Bridges: A dental bridge is used to replace a row of missing teeth. This procedure is performed by shaving the natural teeth on both sides and bonding them using the bridge.
  • Root canal therapy: When a cavity goes deep down into your tooth, the pulp develops a bacterial infection that generates pain.
  • Inlays and Onlays: When cavities are too big to fill and too small to fix a crown, this restoration procedure is recommended.
Restorative Care in Vijayawada


  • This procedure ensures to give the best experience to have long-lasting oral health.
  • Restorative dentistry also helps restore the smile of an individual by repairing the damaged and decayed tooth.
  • It also improves the ability to eat and chew.