One of the most commonly and widely performed procedure in dentistry is a Root canal treatment in Vijayawada. Most of us if not all have definitely come across someone who has had a root canal done on themselves in the past. So what exactly is this treatment and why is it so common is explained a bit in the below paragraphs.

Root canal treatment is essentially a dental procedure which aims at removing the inflamed or infected part of the tooth which is also called as the pulp. This infected pulp is removed, the cavity which is now formed is neatly cleaned and then the area is thoroughly disinfected so as to allow the sealant to be filled in its place by the RCT specialist in Vijayawada.

What are the reasons or benefits of a root canal treatment?

One of the major advantages of painless root canal treatment in Vijayawada is that it aims at saving the natural tooth of the patient, the whole tooth itself is not removed and just the infected area inside the tooth is treated. So, what are the benefits of this type of treatment? Some of them are listed below:

  • Eliminated the infection
  • Saves the natural tooth
  • Helps stop the pain completely
  • Normal bite is restored
  • No difference in the chewing
  • Appearance is not distorted
  • Protects teeth for further damage
Root Canal Treatment in Vijayawada

Who should consider getting a root canal done ?

What signs or symptoms should you look out for which could indicate a root canal treatment?

  • Tooth pain: Many oral problems can cause pain, however an infected pulp can cause pain which radiates around your face as well
  • Sensitivity: An infected pulp basically can expose the nerve root of the tooth which can trigger off with hot or cold substance.
  • Swollen gums
  • Cysts or pimples on the gums
  • Recent discoloration of the tooth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Tooth movement
  • Pain on touch
  • Deep darkening of the gums

Is a root canal treatment painful?

One of the most commonly asked question around root canals is if it's painful? The simple answer given by the best dental hospital in Vijayawada to this is NO. A local anesthesia is given which numbs the area, therefore patient would not be feeling any kind of pain during the procedure.

When can you get back to your daily activities?

Usually, the numbness wears off in 2-4 hours. However, you can go about doing your regular activities immediately after a painless RCT in Vijayawada. Eating is the only thing which would need to be put on hold as the numbness needs to completely fade off and the procedure site needs to heal.

So don't wait any longer if you notice any of the signs that denote a root canal. Walk in to one of the best dental clinics in Vijayawada for an appointment right away.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is eligible for a Root Canal Treatment in Vijayawada?

Anyone with swollen gums or infected tooth as well as tooth sensitivity can benefit from a root canal. The important part is that the original root of the tooth is saved and only the upper crown is replaced with an artificial one.

How long does the process take ?

In some instances, root canal can be done in a single sitting, provided the caps are available. However it is contingent upon the condition of your overall oral health and what your dentist thinks could be best for you.

Can we eat with temporary filling of a root canal ?

Yes, however a gap of 30 to 40 mins are needed to help the temporary fillings harden so as to eat as usual. It is also recommended to avoid any hard foods and also do not try to chew on that tooth.

Is a root canal procedure painful ?

Generally no, a little discomfort might be experienced. In any case, sedatives and anaesthetics are given and applied to the area to numb it so that the patient does not feel any pain at Best dental clinic in Vijayawada.

How long does a root canal last ?

With right care and after procedure instructions at Best Dental Hospital in Vijayawada, a root canal-ed tooth can last for many years. However it is essential to maintain regular follow ups to ensure zero infection to the site of the teeth.