Dental pulp therapy is a treatment to remove diseased pulp found on the crown of the tooth. The tooth pulp is comprised of three components such as blood vessels, cells, and connective tissues, and is protected by an outer layer. It acts as the inner layer of the tooth that plays an important role in maintaining the overall health of the tooth. Due to damage caused by decay or any traumatic injury, the pulp gets exposed. This can become a reason for swelling and severe pain.

Some common symptoms of damaged pulp are constant pain, pain during night-time, sensitivity to hot and cold drinks, and swelling around the tooth. The damaged pulp is also an indication of infection that needs immediate treatment by Best Dental clinics in Vijayawada

The pulp therapy can be the best solution for both kids and adult teeth. Sometimes for kids, it is important to preserve baby teeth so that they can have proper eating and speaking practice and it also helps preserve the right amount of space for the future permanent teeth to come.


The procedure followed to save decayed and infected teeth is called Pulpotomy. Mostly this treatment is done on kids with severely damaged tooth and sometimes for adults who has already developed permanent tooth.

Pulp Therapy in Vijayawada
  • To begin with the procedure, the dentist starts by injecting the local anaesthesia into the area to be treated.
  • Then the dentist removes the decayed area of the tooth with a drill.
  • The drilling is done through the tooth's enamel until the tooth is exposed.
  • After drilling, the infected material is taken out from the tooth's crown. Then the empty area is filled with dental cement to seal the area. A stainless-steel crown is placed as the new outer surface.


  • The pulp therapy is used to maintain the right alignment of the tooth.
  • Preserving damaged teeth using this therapy can help avoid future complications like crooked teeth in kids and other dental hygiene issues.