Having a child is an exceptional feeling unparalleled with any thing else in this world. Witnessing that child grown from infancy to toddler stage is an unexplainable joy and one of the most interesting aspects of this growth is the eruption of tiny pearl like teeth in your baby. This process is both an inculcation of discomfort and new beginnings for the baby and the parents. It brings about a hope for new discoveries and tastes, ability to bite into thing, however the literal process of eruption is rather discomforting for the child. Tender gums part ways for the teeth to come in and as the teeth continues to grow out, the discomfort might ease but does not vanish altogether. Keeping all this in mind, another essential question that pesters parents is regarding when the first teeth should erupt. Answer for this is not a clear cut one as every child has their own pace of growth, some quick, some slow but none of it is wrong. However, to bring it to a perspective, the first tooth usually appears between the months of 6 to 12. So, by their first birthday, signs of a tooth or complete visibility of tooth or few teeth must be there. In case your child does not show any signs of tooth eruption, it is recommended to get your baby’s oral health checked by Best dentist in Vijayawada at dental clinic in Vijayawada

So, when does dentistry or dentist come into picture? As and when your baby’s first tooth comes out, it is always better to get it checked out by pediatric dentist in Vijayawada. This has many benefits, other than the fact that they can see the gum structure and can pin point any abnormalities before hand which further aids in getting it corrected earlier as well, consultation at this tender age also helps develop a personalised bond between the dentist and your baby which is extremely helpful in the toddler stage of their growth. An overall view of how the teeth are expected to erupt is presented in the image below, which has been curated by the American Dental Association. It is essential to keep in mind that this might not be the case for every child and there is no need to panic.

Identifying Signs of teething:

It is essential to understand the signs of teething as it may be a difficult time for the infant and need Dental Care in Vijayawada:

  • Excessive saliva or drooling
  • Trying to chew on different objects
  • Irritability
  • Refusing to eat or feed
  • Slightly higher body temperature (around 99F)
  • Swollen or reddish cheeks
  • Swollen gums
  • Disturbed sleep

In case you are not sure if these are due to teething, it is always better to have a specialist check them at Dental Hospital in Vijayawada.

How can you help your baby’s teething discomfort?

Here are some handy tips parents can use to help ease their baby’s pain and discomfort during teething:

  • Wipe the excess drool with a clean soft cloth to avoid rashes
  • Rub on the gums of your baby using a clean finger or gauze (should not be swallowed)
  • Slightly cold (but not frozen) objects which are big enough to avoid potential swallowing hazards can be given to chew upon, preferably a clean cloth.
  • Teething rings or sticks are ok as long as they are sanitized properly and never boil them as it can cause chemical leak
  • In case your baby has started solids, you can give them teething foods but always be vigilant of swallowing and choking.
  • There could be certain fussy nights where sleep is a far away call, you can consult your pediatric dentist at Best Dental Hospital in Vijayawada regarding paracetamol or other pain relief medications for your child
  • Avoid using teething necklaces or other such products which could be a choking hazard

Toothpaste or not to paste !

An important doubt that occurs in every first time parent’s mind while they see their child’s first tooth is which toothpaste to use, and if it is safe to use a tooth paste, quantity of tooth paste to be used and number of times they would need to brush their child’s teeth. Do not worry, answer to all your questions and more are always available with our pediatric dental clinic in Vijayawada However. to give an overview,

  • Start using a fluoride based toothpaste as soon as the first teeth appears
  • Brushing twice a day is always recommended
  • Just a pea sized quantity of the toothpaste must be used, once the child is old enough to understand how to spit, a little larger quantity can be used.
Smear - 0 to 3 years
Pea size - 3 to 6 years
Regular - Above 6 years

Common tooth problems in children?

Baby teeth act as space savers for permanent teeth and therefore it is necessary to keep the baby teeth healthy to help provide a proper environment for permanent teeth. Some of the most commonly seen problems in children are:

One of the biggest issues seen is the baby bottle tooth decay which is essentially decay in the child’s teeth due to excessive sugars in the dietary intake. Prolonged contact of sugars from juices, or sugary drinks or other such products which can cause the dental bacteria to react with the sugars causing decay. Breastfed children often fall asleep while feeding and it is possible to have some milk left in their mouth, this also can lead to tooth decay. Parents need to be vigilant regarding the diet of the children as well as should ensure children take in water (above 6 months old) every time they are done with eating or drinking anything. Avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks is always recommended by Orthodontics In Vijayawada.

In case you notice any signs or just want to be prepared for all your child’s oral health needs, feel free to walk in to Giggles Dental Care, Best Dental clinics in Vijayawada to consult Dr. Hanisha Adusumilli, one of the Best Pediatric Dentist in Vijayawada